Event Marketing Manager Job Description

Connecting is ever more important than before. We're often better connected now with technology, but are we connecting? Events whether physical or digital help us to connect. 

If you're looking to hire a Event Marketing Manager or a candidate looking wanting more information, here we have laid out the key requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills that should be in an Event Marketing Manager job description. If you're on this page you're likely a business looking to hire a Event Marketer or a marketer interested in the role of a Event Marketer. If you are looking for a Event Marketer job description then below we have a job description template for you below

Whether you are a business looking to hire or a candidate looking at the role we hope that this helps you in your endeavours. If you are looking for other marketing job descriptions please take a look at our complete list of marketing job descriptions.

We're well placed to help both candidates and companies looking to place Event Marketing roles. Links below with information as to how we are able to help you and there are links to our current vacancies too. 

If you are looking for a general marketing manager job description please take a look at our Marketing Manager Job Description.

What is a Event Marketing Manager?

The role of Event marketing managers is to be responsible for planning and executing events that promote a company’s products or services. They commonly work with other departments in the organisation to ensure that these events are successful, from developing an overall strategy to managing the details of each individual event. In addition to the management of specific events, Event Marketing Managers may also be tasked with creating content for social media or other digital platforms to help spread awareness about the event and its purpose.

Event Marketing Manager Job Description:

We are searching for a growth hacker to drive significant growth in our business. The business is looking to improve awareness, sales, and expansion of our products and services. In this role, we require you to work with our team to determine key pain points, bottlenecks, and future opportunities for our business. You will devise, implement, and execute initiatives and strategies to grow our brand's market share and customer base.

To ensure success as a growth hacker, you should be skilled at reviewing and optimising business processes across all departments and be able to tailor your solutions to different markets, scenarios, products, and goals. Our expectation is that a top-notch growth hacker will be innovative, passionate about our business, and an expert at executing strategies for business growth.

Event Marketing Manager Responsibilities:

  • Spearhead the event and tradeshow strategy, including but not limited to: identifying key events, internal team training for attendees (elevator pitch, demos, etc.), maintain pre- and post-show communication, and event attendance
  • Work with director of marketing and director of sales to organize and staff customer and sponsored events
  • Work with director of marketing and marketing executives to develop event strategy and objectives; spearhead initiatives to meet objectives based on lead generation, customer advocacy, and more.
  • Negotiate and execute contracts for large- and small-scale events
  • Travel frequently – up to 50 percent of your time will be spent traveling to various events
  • Drive marketing influenced pipeline and generate MQLs through onsite activations and support of the sales team
  • Analyze, track, and report on event ROI based on predetermined pipeline, revenue, and MQL metrics using CRM, email marketing, project management, and similar systems
  • Manage a team of event marketing specialists
  • Build relationships with ACME customers and prospects on a one-to-one basis
  • Interact with key decisions makers and account-holders
  • Work with in-house designer to ensure event display accurately represents the ACME brand
  • Responsible for ordering and tracking event inventory include collateral, giveaways, etc.

Event Marketing Manager Requirements:

  • A minimum of 3 years' experience in a related role and a similar industry 
  • Likely a bachelor's degree in events. marketing, strategy, business management, or similar
  • Skilled in event management, planning and strategy
  • Experience in both physical and digital events 
  • Experience in successful growth implementations and interventions
  • Likely expertise in marketing, online strategies, user experience, and business development
  • Strong analytical skills to look at post event metrics 
  • Knowledge of business, marketing and events tools such as CRM, event management software and wider business tools
  • Creative, problem-solving, and results-driven mindset
  • Likely you will be an adaptable, iterative thinker who is constantly learning
  • Curious, innovative, and confident in your abilities to drive change

Looking for Event Marketing jobs?

At The Hidden Market we focus on hiring the best marketing talent for a range of sectors. 

If you're looking for your next Event Marketing Manager position we would love to try and help you secure it. 

Looking to hire a Event Marketing Manager?

At The Hidden Market we focus on hiring the best marketing talent for a range of sectors. 

If you are looking to hire a Demand Generation Manager we have some great candidates on our books. 

Want more information?

Check out our blog or our market insights section to find out more about hiring marketers. 

How we work at The Hidden Market - hiring Event Marketing Managers

At The Hidden Market we have a range of solutions for business from full recruitment through to advertising services. We place Event Marketing Managers at businesses from start up through to corporate. 

If you are looking for more information on hiring please get in touch here or alternatively as a candidate you are welcome to get in touch here